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Here you'll find a list of projects I've worked on. I've included a brief description of the project, the tools I used, and a link to the code.

Cyclistic Bike-Share

In this project, the R programming language was utilized to analyze a bike-share company's data with the objective of identifying optimal strategies to convert casual riders into annual members. R was employed for the purposes of data cleansing, visualization creation, and statistical analysis.


In this project, fitness data was analyzed to assist the company in enhancing its marketing strategy and increasing its sales volume. The project highlights my data analysis skills and ability to provide recommendations based on the insights derived from the analysis.

Driving the Future of Vehicle Pricing

[Data Cleaning],[EDA],[Modeling] Developed a machine learning model that will predict the price of a vehicle. As a result, the model and the conclusions drawn from the data can be used to inform the decision-making process of a company, or a buyer.

NLP With Hotel Review

[Part 1],[Part 2] In this project, the Python programming language was utilized to conduct an analysis of hotel reviews, with the aim of identifying the most frequently used words in such reviews. The Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK) was employed for the purposes of data cleansing and analysis.

About Me

My professional background encompasses over 8 years of experience in the supply chain industry. Despite having a non-traditional background, I have always been deeply passionate about data analysis, which eventually led me to explore a career in data science. I am an eager learner, and I always strive to expand my skillset by seeking out new opportunities for personal and professional development. Pursuing a diploma in data science at BrainStation has been instrumental in equipping me with critical skills in data analysis, machine learning, and data visualization. As a result of my education and experiences, I am now actively seeking a full-time position in the data science field, where I can contribute my skillset and knowledge to tackle real-world challenges.


Please feel free to contact me regarding any questions or comments you may have. I look forward to hearing from you.